map of latvia

JSC Latvia's State Forests (LVM) culvert geospatial data layer contains information on culverts in territory owned, possessioned and managed by LVM. The culvert is a construction that ensures the flow of water. It can be built under a forest road, under the road descent or on a ditch pads.

LVM culverts geospatial data .shp layer and the description of data

LVM culverts SHP

zip / 1.25 MB

LVM culverts DOCX

docx / 161.26 KB

LVM culverts geospatial data .gdb layer and the description of data Geodatabase has been created with ArcGIS 10.3.1. version

LVM culverts GDB

zip / 840.72 KB

LVM culverts DOCX

docx / 161.3 KB

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