map of latvia

JSC Latvia's State Forests (LVM) forest compartment geospatial data layer contains information about forest compartments owned or managed by LVM, Meža pētīšanas stacija, MOFO meža īpašumi, Sodra Group, SIA Kursa MRU, SIA Latvijas finieris mežs, SIA Mana mežs, SIA Rostes, SIA SUNDIN, MPKS Mežsaimnieks, SIA Greyton, SIA Laskana mežs, SIA SUSAB, SIA Stiga R. Forest compartment is the forest inventory territorial base unit that describes homogeneous forest area.

Data are updated once a week.


LVM forest compartment geospatial data .shp* layer and the description of data

LVM Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 207.95 MB

Meža pētīšanas stacija Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 2.98 MB

Sodra Group Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 24.48 MB

Kursa MRU Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 1.11 MB

Latvijas Finieris mežs Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 2.22 MB

MoFo meža īpašumi Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 821.88 KB

Mana mežs Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 172.76 KB

Rostes Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 393.94 KB

Sundin Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 3.6 KB

Greyton Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 1.57 MB

Laskana mežs Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 1.47 MB

Stiga RM Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 1.93 MB

SUSAB Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 9.09 MB

MPKS Mežsaimnieks Forest Compartment SHP

zip / 4.86 MB

Forest Compartment DOCX

docx / 163.46 KB

LVM forest compartment .gdb* and the description of data. Geodatabase has been created with ArcGIS 10.3.1. version

LVM Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 150.09 MB

Meža pētīšanas stacija Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 2.41 MB

Sodra Group Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 17.6 MB

Kursa MRU Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 859.66 KB

Latvijas Finieris mežs Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 1.63 MB

MoFo meža īpašumi Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 636.78 KB

Mana mežs Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 147.23 KB

Rostes Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 315.73 KB

Sundin Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 21.62 KB

Greyton Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 1.11 MB

Laskana mežs Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 1.12 MB

Stiga RM Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 1.44 MB

SUSAB Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 6.44 MB

MPKS Mežsaimnieks Forest Compartment GDB

zip / 3.57 MB

Forest Compartment DOCX

docx / 163.65 KB

LVM forest compartment geospatial data .dwg* layer (DWG Version 2007)

LVM Forest Compartment DWG

zip / 170.56 MB

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