map of latvia

JSC Latvia's State Forests (LVM) forest road geospatial data layer contains information about all LVM managed forest roads in Latvia. In the layer attribute table road name.

Data is updated once a week.

LVM forest road geospatial data .shp layer and the description of data

LVM Forest Roads SHP

zip / 3.49 MB

LVM Forest Roads DOCX

docx / 160.28 KB

LVM forest road geospatial data .gdb and the description of data. Geodatabase has been created with ArcGIS 10.3.1. version

LVM Forest Roads GDB

zip / 2.02 MB

LVM Forest Roads DOCX

docx / 160.33 KB

LVM forest road geospatial data *.dwg (DWG Version 2007)

LVM Forest Roads DWG

zip / 3.62 MB

2. līmeņa izvēlne datu sadaļā

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